Encouragement and Appreciation
Sometimes I feel guilty when I hear that other pastors feel unappreciated, or that words of encouragement are very few and far between for them. Notice I said I feel guilty, not “judgy.” I believe them when they say they feel that way, and I feel sorry for them. It is unacceptable, but I don’t know where to place the blame. So I can’t be judgmental about it.
I mean, is the congregation truly uncaring? Or, is that their way of saying ministry has been tough?—and believe me, it is tough for every pastor! Or, does it mean that they carry the criticism closer to the heart and it’s harder to remember the encouragement?—you know, the old “it takes 10 compliments to make up for 1 complaint” saying.
It’s impossible for me to know the answers to those questions about their situation. So when I read it or hear it, I feel sorry for them, and I feel a bit guilty. You see, I have always felt supported, encouraged, and appreciated. Even when ministry has been tough. Even when I’ve messed up. Even when I’ve been sharply criticized. Even when I didn’t know what to do. Even when things were falling apart. Even when I went through a period in life when I resigned myself to the fact that I can’t make anybody happy. (And that is a fact. You cannot make anybody happy.)
Even still, God has surrounded me with people to pray for me, encourage me, coach me, uplift me, and even take care of me.
And I believe there are always voices of encouragement out there for you whether you are a pastor or not. Certainly, the pages of Scripture are full of life, vitality, and uplifting Good news, for those pages proclaim Jesus who knows you intimately, loves you dearly, and walks with you continually.
If all else fails, if all other encouragement is silent, the Word of God alone can be your strength. As the beloved hymn “Abide with Me” states: “When other helpers fail and comforts flee, / Help of the helpless, O abide with me.” (LSB 878:1).
But that kind of a circumstance where there is no other encouragement anywhere should be a very, very rare occurrence indeed. For wherever two or three are gathered together, there Jesus is our midst. So, His words of encouragement should be on our lips for one another. That’s both descriptive and prescriptive. Here’s what I mean…
Descriptive (that is, it describes how it actually is):
Encouragement is there for you from others. But it is hard to hear. Pay closer attention to it. Criticism always sounds louder. But God spoke to Elijah in the still, small whisper. Or, perhaps it is hard to hear because you are disconnected from it! That is the case for many in this time of social distancing. In BC times (Before Covid), most people would come to church, and only some were isolated by circumstance or by choice. It was easier for a Pastor and Elders, a Care Team and Church to follow up on people. But in the AD times (anno distancing—in the year of the distancing) there are still many, many people who are disconnected. It is incredibly hard to reach out to everyone.
And yet, the encouragement is still there. You just may have to reach out with a phone call for the encouragement you need. Or start by providing it for someone else, and it will flow back to you.
But the people of God are caring people! The love of Jesus has touched their hearts, and even though they are flawed, imperfect, and (sadly) sometimes apathetic, as a whole they will encourage you. But you have to be ready to listen to it and even to seek it.
Prescriptive (that is, it prescribes how we are to act):
If Jesus is in our midst, and His Word is encouraging, and His Word should be on our lips, then that means we should always seek to be encouraging to others. Be quick with kindness and compliments, slow with criticism, judgment, and rebukes. Offer a helping hand. Take the steps to care for someone else, because “encouraging” them to take care of themselves is rarely fruitful. Send a caring note, or better yet, pick up the phone. Personal visits go a long way. Having lunch or a cup of coffee together can make a huge difference, even if you sit there and listen the entire time about how difficult the other person’s life is. They will know you care.
Certainly, there are many other things you could do to encourage others. The point is, be people who lift each other up in prayer, with words of encouragement, and with the Good News of Jesus, for He alone is our hope, our strength, our peace, and our life.
Thank You
I’m thinking about encouragement and appreciation because my congregation hosted a “Pies for Pastors” event where we gathered to eat pie, and to give the pastors encouragement. I am sincerely thankful. I must be truly, truly blessed to be in a congregation where there have always been words of encouragement. For all your words of appreciation, cards, and even gifts, I am sincerely thankful.
I tell you, the one they should be thanking is my wife. Can anyone imagine she has to endure?! She puts up with the pastor’s schedule when I’m gone, and when I’m home, she puts up with me! My wife and my children make many sacrifices because they are connected to me. We are grateful for all the encouragement and support God’s people have given them over the years. That goes a long way to lift us up.
The Pastor’s Life
Finally, I’d like to share a little poem I wrote years ago. The rhyme and the rhythm is a little chunky. I didn’t spend much time working to improve the flow. But I’ll share it anyway because it gives you a little window into the pastor’s life. I love you all, and appreciate you very much!
Sometimes I wake at four-fifteen
and can't go back to sleep,
I toss and turn upon my bed
because I'm counting sheep.
I wonder, “Where is Jim today?
Is Kim okay or sad?
I sure am missing my friend Sam.
I wonder how's Pam’s dad?"
I ponder then which words of God
That each one needs to hear:
Pardon, promise, warning too,
And courage for their fear.
But I'm sure glad the Shepherd sees
And calls them each by name.
He knows their faults, their needs and wants
And loves them all the same.
Sometimes I wake at four-fifteen
And sleep eludes my will,
I'm breathing slow, but I just know
The Body is too still.
We all must teach the children more,
The elderly need care,
The sick could use a few more calls,
The poor need us to share.
The workers are too few for this,
The budget is too low,
The need is ever changing fast,
Reactions are too slow.
But I'm sure glad the Head controls
Each moving, working part.
Somehow we are His hands and feet
His ear and mouth and heart.
Sometimes I wake at four-fifteen
With guilt upon my chest,
I fell asleep last night at nine
My eyelids craving rest.
And then my wife, alone again
Watched tv or did chores,
She tried to talk about her day
I answered her with snores.
Today will be the same again,
I've got an early start,
I'll see my kids a little while
And then I'll have to dart.
My evening meeting will be long,
It's almost guaranteed,
I'll do my best for family, friends,
But cannot meet the need.
I try to balance out my time,
But rarely get it right,
The day's too short, the work too much
(The common pastor's plight).
But I'm sure glad the Father's there,
The Bridegroom gave his life,
God makes me new and teaches too,
To love my kids and wife.
Sometimes I wake at four-fifteen
And fret for just a while,
But then remember his Good Word,
A promise makes me smile:
The Gospel is Eternal truth,
And Jesus is still here,
His Spirit moves just like the wind
And draws His people near.
So then I stop and thank the Lord
And turn each anxious care,
And every hope or task at hand
Into a fervent prayer—
Too late, of course, to save the hour
That worry stole away,
But soon enough to give me peace
To last throughout the day.
truth + love
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