A few years ago I wrote a musically silly, textually serious song. I recently put the finishing touches on the track. Link to listen is below. Enjoy.
One (Two, Three, Four) Note Song
1. The first verse of this simple song
Is easiest to sing along.
There's only one note (don't get it wrong)
Reminding you where you belong:
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
One hope, one Christ who's arisen,
One truth, one Church, yes one body
One peace, one love, one Spirit free.
Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
2. We'll add another note to you,
A symbol of the testaments two,
One covenant Old, the other New,
A shadow first, then God-with-you!
Both proclaim God's holy Law,
But Good News saves you from death's jaw.
His Bible is the inspired Word,
Your faith believes the message heard.
Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
3. A tune of three, now let there be
To God the Holy Trinity,
Distinct the persons - one, two, three -
Yet one God for eternity.
The Spirit works through means of grace,
The Son shows us the Father's face,
Three in One, our God transcends,
Yet down to us in love he bends.
Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
4. A fourfold melody we raise
To Him who saw our sinful ways
Yet lived in love for all His days,
And cured with blood our grim malaise.
His fourfold Gospel then goes forth
To West and East and South and North.
Directions four, and nations all
Await to hear the Gospel call.
Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!
truth + love
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